White Papers
Here at Xpress Technologies we deal with the complexities and shifting landscape of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on a daily basis. Our mission has been to improve our solutions, add value to our business relationships and maintain an unwavering focus on improving patient outcomes and your bottom line.
Conceived as a way to strengthen and grow our business relationships, our goal is to promote a dialog with those we serve best. Our hope is to use this communication channel to share with you breaking news as well as breakthroughs in Practice Management, Reimbursements, and EHR documentation for your Family Practice, Urgent Care Facility or Emergency Department.
The Fundamental Fracas in EHRs: Narrative vs. Structured Data
Requirement for Success - Practice Management Solutions
Which EHR Should You Purchase?
Avoiding Malpractice Claims with the Help of the Electronic Health Record
Why Do We Document?
Urgent Cares, EDs, Reliability, Reputation, and the Rise of New Paradigms