The Most Expensive Tool in Medicine (“THE CLICK”)
In the article "Price transparency in electronic health records not linked to changes in physician ordering: The PRICE trial", a cost...

The Cost of the Click
The article The Hidden Cost of a Click, the author states, “A bad user interface can turn an EMR/HER into a minefield of medical errors...

Acute on Chronic Electronic Health Records Dissatisfaction
The slideshow 6 Ways IT is Contributing to Healthcare Inefficiencies examines why there is general dissatisfaction with the Electronic...

Improving Quality with the Use of the Electronic Health Record
The following is part of a series covering the various aspects of the Electronic Health Record to improve patient care, quality, and...

Disposition Driven Test Ordering/A Change in Paradigm
The most common complaints about Emergency Care is cost and inappropriate utilization. The Sensible Test Ordering Practice in an...