Can Defensive Medicine Decrease Lawsuits?
The authors of Physician spending and subsequent risk of malpractice claims: observational study try to determine whether increased...

Motivation for Building a “McMansion”
In the article one weird reason why doctors buy bigger homes than lawyers, it explains a seemingly common practice in locations in...

Malpractice Worries Enter a New Level of Sophistication and Complexity
Malpractice claims are usually rooted in poor communication, failure to diagnose, bad outcomes, and poor interpersonal relationships....

Avoiding the Potential Legal Quicksand of Opening an Urgent Care
Opening an urgent care can be a fulfilling experience but to be successful takes more than good medical care. The Top Four Legal Issues...
Avoiding Medical Errors
In the article Doctor Errors Kill 500,000 Americans a Year, the authors claim ½ million American are “killed” by doctor errors. The...
Legal Concerns with The Electronic Health Record
In the 8 Malpractice Dangers in Your EHR, the author analyzes the legal risks implicit in the use of an Electronic Health Record. These...

Acceptable Miss Rate
The Acceptable Miss Rate is a concept that realizes even in the best of hands with all the available data accessible, there still will be...

Why “Xpress Technologies”???
With the many choices available for the Electronic Health Record and Practice Management, why would you choose Xpress Technologies? 1. ...

Affordable Care Act and Potential Increased Liabilities
Malpractice risk is always looming in the back round for medical providers and organizations. The article 5 ways the ACA may affect...

Pendulum Switching on Medical Malpractice Laws
Recently the Florida Supreme Court, rejected damage caps on medical malpractice. Non-economic damage caps are controversial tort reforms...