Malpractice: A Guide to Getting Sued
This primer on malpractice is an excellent review for all providers regardless of their level of experience. It divides this dark side of...

What is the problem with interoperability?
In a recent article by Dave Levin, MD, the astute and experienced physician points out the "reasonable, but incorrect assumption that two...

Malpractice Dangers in the Patient Handoff
In a recent article by Mark Crane, the author makes the statement “The handoff of a patient from one physician to another has long been a...

The True Cost of Malpractice Litigation
The battle over malpractice rages on with providers on one side and the lawyers and plaintiffs on the other. The latter side feels that...

Motivation for Building a “McMansion”
In the article one weird reason why doctors buy bigger homes than lawyers, it explains a seemingly common practice in locations in...

Which is Worse? Malpractice Case or Medical Board Investigation
The Black Cloud of a Medical Board Investigation is a must read for practicing professionals. The title speaks for itself. A referral to...