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Voice Recognition Software a Value Added Tool

In the article Voice Recognition Speeds EHR Use for Oklahoma Hospital and first sentence- In addition to reducing doctors’ note-taking burden, Dragon dictate software saved the Norman Regional Health System $1.8 million in transcription services last year- speaks for itself. Voice-Activated Software is cost effective, value added, and saves time. The Hospital has integrated this software with their Electronic Health Record in their Emergency Department and their ambulatory areas.

The voice active software turns an electronic health record that is written in “computereeze” into a thoughtful document with context and individualization.

DR BAD’s blog on Dec 2, 2013, Voice Activated Technologies are compared to scribes. The ability to create an individualized, coherent chart will become key in the era of RAC’s and claw backs.

Xpress Technologies is an Advantage Partner for Dragon Medical software with Nuance. XpressCharts EHR was designed to utilize “Dragon” in all areas of the chart. This leads to increased efficiency and decreased overall costs.

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