Why “Xpress Technologies”???
With the many choices available for the Electronic Health Record and Practice Management, why would you choose Xpress Technologies?
1. EASE OF USE (if it is not simple to work with, we don't allow it!)
2. Experience and Longevity: Xpress Technologies has been in business since 1984.
3. Content: The content has consistently been refined, updated and has a proven track record.
4. Navigation: Common sense navigation with pleasant graphical interfaces.
5. Usability: Walk-up usability with only the need for ATM sophistication.
6. Flexibility: Designed to be both user-friendly and accomodating of individual preferences..
7. Voice Activated Technology: Set up for Dragon. Plug it in and you are ready to go.
8. Exceptionally protective of providers. With an exceptional malpractice record, Xpress' risk- sensitive chief complaint driven templates are designed to support and easily document careful care. Malpractice exposure is thus minimized. In the rare case in which care is challenged, defense is easy to establish.
9. Coding: Charts are designed to allow appropriate levels of coding for the services rendered.
10. Paper-free possibilities: With Xpress' Intellidox, documents are easily available for access and use. Intellidox maintains a repository for all of your forms, clinical pathways, and order sets that are easily available for access and use. Eliminate all paper.
11. Speed and efficiency: Go home on time; no homework; complete charts in real-time or before the end of your shift almost all the time .
12. Practice Management: Comprehensive system that also attends to cash flow, assures accurate and correct reimbursement, real-time eligibility notification, drivers’ license and insurance card scanning, and credit card scanning.
13. Scanning solution: Storage and retrieval is no longer a problem. Xpress can scan all documents and reports and eliminate paper.
14. ICD-10 ready: When the requirements change, there will be an easy transition.
15. Coding: Levels of Service: Chart gives estimated level of service, CPT codes, and ICD-9 (10) codes sent to billing section of practice management. Captures all procedures.
16. Xpress Billing: State of the art software that allows the practice to do their own billing, or use a commercial billing service. Xpress Technologies can provide those services. The system also allows one to “farm out” only claims that are difficult to collect.
17. Training: Onsite and web driven training with continuous 24 hour support.
18. Customization: Available
19. Tracking Board: Enhance productivity with the ability to customize.
20. Drummond certified for meaningful use.
21. E-prescribing: Ready to begin immediately.
22. Start-up costs: Less than $5,000
23. Customer relations: Your success is our motivation.
25. Pricing: Comparatively inexpensive.
26. Value: Our focus is making the Xpress Technologies EHR and Practice Management modules as value added to your practice.
25. Flexibility: You can purchase the entire product or mix/match through HL7 interfaces with the charting module, e-prescribing, and the practice management (billing revenue cycle).